A Mother's Legacy: Proud as a Peacock

June 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment



Next up from our "First Annual Scott Ringel Anniversary Remembrance & Giveaway" updates, this lovely extended family session, honoring their mom and channeling their inner peacocks.  You see, mom loved peacocks, so they chose to honor her by dressing in jewel tones.  Here's their nomination, from their friend Sharon:

"After reading your post, I wanted to nominate two of my coworkers who are sisters, along with their other sister and brother.  They just lost their mom to lung cancer on January 29th. It was a very sudden diagnosis, as she went to the hospital in the Fall (I believe) with breathing problems and after a few days of testing was told she had lung cancer. These two women dropped everything to care for their mother in her time of need, all the while still working. In the morning I would hear about sleepless nights or see them holding back tears and just trying to make it through the day. With her recent passing, it’s been even harder on them as their mom was the glue that held their family together.  I think something as beautiful as a photo to represent the bond the siblings still have and to remember their mother would be amazing!"


When we were planning this session, one sister Tracy told me how much her mom loved family photos and how much it would mean to her to have the whole family together for a group portrait.  I made sure to bring a few little stools to help with posing and we met at Smithville Park for the session. We got shots of the whole group, then shots of just the grandkids and finally portraits of each individual family.  One hour and lots of laughs and so many memories captured. Their jewel toned outfits complimented each other so well and everyone looked amazing.  I think mom would have been Proud as a Peacock, don't you?














Next up on the blog, all the way from NYC, a model family!  


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